Professional and Compassionate. We care about our clients.
Planning ahead with a pre-paid Bensons Funeral Services Funeral Plan means your family won’t have any surprising costs or unnecessary worries when the time comes.One of the key benefits of a pre-paid Funeral Plan is being able to purchase and secure a funeral at today’s prices. This protects your family and loved ones from the rising costs of funerals which are mostly out of the control of funeral directors.
Purchase and secure a funeral at today’s prices.
Arranging and paying for your pre-paid funeral now will not only save your loved one’s money in the future, it will help alleviate the stress and anxiety of trying to guess what the funeral preferences would have been.
Costs are fixed, and are based on today’s prices. It doesn’t matter how long in the future your funeral occurs – you’ll be happy to know that it will cost no more than if it happened today. More and more people are now planning and paying for their funeral in advance.
Relieve your family from stress and anxiety – It’s hard enough to say goodbye without the added pressure of worrying about the deceased’s last wishes. Pre-paid funerals can be so helpful in relieving stress on your family and loved ones.
Lighten the financial load – By covering all costs in advance you will have the peace of mind of knowing that your family won’t have to worry about how they will pay. Pre-paying your funeral can be your final gift to those you love, allowing them to say goodbye without concerns about money at a time when they are most vulnerable.
Saving you money with our FIXED PRICE – Buying a funeral at today’s prices protects you and your family from inflation and any future price increase. It’s a logical and considered purchase that not everyone wants to make, but most people are glad they did.
Personalise your funeral, say “goodbye” your way – Throughout life we are defined by our character, what we’ve done and how we interact with those around us. We believe that this should continue with your last act in this world. We encourage you to think about things now so that your life and personality shine through, at your final goodbye.
Family run funeral directors giving the personal touch – In a world dominated by large, national funeral directors with branches on practically every street, Bensons Funeral Services/ Directors Leeds offers an uplifting and welcome change. We are an independent family run Company who have brought sensitivity, understanding and personal attention to every funeral we handle.
For more information please give us a call, on 0113 276 0077, and we will be happy to help.